Colefax Group plc is an international designer and distributor of luxury furnishing fabrics and wallpapers and a leading international decorating company. Sales are made under the brand names Colefax and Fowler, Cowtan and Tout, Jane Churchill, Larsen and Manuel Canovas. The Group has offices in the UK, USA, France, Germany and Italy, which form part of an expanding worldwide distribution network.

The Group strategy is to build and expand its portfolio of luxury international fabric brands. Each fabric brand in the Group has a separate design studio and a separate marketing strategy promoting a distinctive look. The brands compliment each other by covering a broad range of tastes from classical to contemporary. The Group mainly sells to interior designers and interior design shops, serving the high-end residential market. All of the fabrics and wallpapers sold by the Group are manufactured by third party suppliers.

For more information about the Group please contact:

David Green
Chief Executive
Tel. 020 7318 6000

Rob Barker
Group Finance Director
Tel. 020 7318 6000


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